Monday, 2 April 2012

Spain and the starting point:

Hi All,

We flew from Paris to Biaritz, taxied to Bayonne and then bused to St Jean Pied de Port to get our credencials-the official pilgrim passport that get stamped along the way-and started the Camino. We didn´t do the pyranees because we had not done enough training to conquer it so we taxied from St Jean to Pamploma and started from there.

This is the starting point on the Camino but we started in Pamploma instead.

These are the signs to point you in the right direction. It is kind of like orientering, looking for them. 

The Pyranees Moutains.

In Pamploma we saw a guy busking, we stopped, listened and tipped him.

Following the camino signs through the city of Pamploma.

We have now entered the region of Navarra.

The long dirt road ahead.

Fields of wheat line the path.

Here I am a walkin´!

In the Spanish sun.

These are the waymarkers that show you the path.


  1. Love all the photos Ella. It is a magnificent blog I love it

    1. thanks neena!
      I´ll buy you something and bring it back!
      love ellaXX

    2. Anonymous9:42 am

      Wonderful photos and comments. Enjoy it looks fantastic..

      Jason computer dude

  2. They are such good pics I love them!!

    1. hey gigi,
      thanks heaps! and thanks for commenting, it makes me feel good!
      XX ella
